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“Iga Świątek: W końcu będę mogła zakochać się później, ale nie sądzę, że będę mogła mieć dzieci, ponieważ…”



Iga Świątek, a rising star in women’s tennis, has made significant sacrifices to reach the pinnacle of her career. While her focus is primarily on her performance on the court, her recent statement highlights the personal dilemmas many athletes face. When Świątek said, “I can finally fall in love later, but I don’t think I will be able to have children,” it offers insight into the complex challenges female athletes endure when balancing personal and professional ambitions.

Professional athletes often postpone major life decisions, such as marriage or having children, to extend their careers and remain competitive. For Świątek, love and family may take a backseat, as her current priority is excelling in tennis. Given the intense training, travel, and pressure involved in staying at the top, athletes can feel they must choose between personal fulfillment and professional success.

Świątek’s remark about possibly not being able to have children could reflect the toll that the physical demands of professional sports take on the body, or the societal pressures women face in balancing motherhood and career. Female athletes in particular are often confronted with unique challenges regarding family planning, as pregnancy and child-rearing could interrupt their careers during their prime.

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