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Taylor Swift gets unwillingly inserted into Kayla Nicole’s feud with Teyana Taylor



Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Hung Out Several Times in a

When Taylor Swift made the decision to begin dating Travis Kelce, she knew it would come with a little bit of baggage. Kelce has his own set of fans and was known all across the United States due to his immense success with the Kansas City Chiefs and his New Heights podcast with brother Jason Kelce.

Swift was likely also aware of Kelce’s dating history, particularly his relationship with Kayla Nicole. Swift likely didn’t think much of it at the time, but Nicole has proven to be a bit of a thorn in Kelce’s side despite the two being broken up for a little while now. Now, Swift is being sprung into Nicole’s drama despite the pop music sensation having nothing to do with any of it.


Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Hung Out Several Times in a

Teyana Taylor upset with Kayla Nicole’s comments on Angel Reese’s podcast

Nicole appeared on Angel Reese’s podcast a couple of days ago and indirectly revealed that she had dated former NBA player Iman Shumpert, before Shumpert apparently dumped her to begin dating singer and actress Teyana Taylor. That would normally be a fine story to tell, but one of Nicole’s comments left a bad taste in Taylor’s mouth: “this singer/actress who was famous at the time”.

Taylor took that as a shot at her, and subsequently responded without mentioning her on Instagram. She posted a carousel of upcoming projects she has lined up, making it clear that she is still fully famous.

Where Swift comes is in the post itself. Taylor used Swift’s hit song “Shake It Off” as the music to go with the post, and also gave a nod to Swift in the caption: “I know 2025 gone hate to see a Taylor coming!!”

Taylor was just using Swift to annoy Nicole a little bit more, given that Swift is now with Nicole’s ex. The pettiness is very real.

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