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“Hubert Hurkacz, Sensacja Tenisowa, Wita Bliźnięta z Dziewczyną Agatą Magdaleną”



Było bardzo blisko, ale niestety Hubert Hurkacz przegrał z Carlosem Alcarazem 6:3, 6:7 (2-7), 6:7 (3-7) i już w trzeciej rundzie odpadł z turnieju ATP 1000 w Montrealu. Hurkacz długo prowadził i zanosiło się na jego sensacyjne zwycięstwo, ale w pewnym momencie stanął i oddał inicjatywę rakiecie numer jeden światowego rankingu. Alcaraz to wykorzystał i awansował. O postawie Hurkacza od strony mentalnej porozmawialiśmy z ekspertką w tej dziedzinie, psychologiem sportowym Anną Cieślak.

In the first set Hurkacz played fantastically and basically crushed Alcaraz. In the second he also started well and it seemed that he would win. However, he did not dot the “i” over the “t”, which the Spaniard took advantage of and eliminated the Pole. Once again Hurkacz had a titled opponent “on the fork” (previously Novak Djokovic), but he lost again. So is it more a mental issue than a sporting one? Would Hubert Hurkacz need the help of a sports psychologist?

– Whether a player needs such help is an individual matter – sports psychologist Anna Cieślak tells us. – It very often happens that when world-class players play with those who are ranked even higher, there is pressure from the environment. It is important to work on controlling emotions. Before every match, every competition, regardless of who the opponent is, it is worth keeping a cool head. Apart from sports issues, you have to approach this opponent neutrally. Do not put him in the role of someone who is very good and difficult to beat. Then we will additionally worry about what will affect the game – adds Cieślak.

Hubert Hurkacz talks about Indian Wells at McLaren

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