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Chiefs’ Patrick Mahomes Evades NFL Rules With $10.28 Billion Company as He Films Secret Coors Light Commercial for Future Release



Rules are meant to be broken. Hey, we aren’t suggesting that, but that’s exactly what Patrick Mahomes has been doing for years. We all are aware of how NFL players are not allowed to promote any alcoholic drinks as active players. But a mere rule can’t stop the star QB. He found a loophole and jumped right through it!

Coors Light on YouTube posted a commercial on June 26 featuring Patrick Mahomes. He was seen on top of a train, slowing inching ahead as the fast speed and snow created difficulty. Just as he finally stood on top of the train in a typical Hollywood fashion and exclaimed, “Looks like we’ve got company,” he heard, “Stop shooting!” A Coors Light producer had interrupted. What took place ahead was nothing less than a series of hilarious conversations that would make anyone laugh out loud.

Coors Light producer: “Stop shooting. Turn the cameras off! Kill the fan. (Walks up to Patrick Mahomes) Patrick, I can’t let you shoot this Coors Light commercial.”
Mahomes: “Why not? It’s really cool and high stakes.”
Coors Light producer: “It says so right here (shows a bunch of papers). No player shall be allowed to promote a beer while they play professional football, no matter how cool and high stakes it is. They even bolded that last part.”
Mahomes: “So that’s it?”

Right after this conversation took place, the director was dramatically disappointed and said, “This was supposed to be my big break.” On the same note, another crew member questioned, “What’s the return policy on 10,000 Patrick Mahomes figurines?”

Well, a wise man on the set then suggested the loophole of a time capsule. So, in a quite smart advertising style, ‘The Coors’ promised a long-lasting Mahomes engagement as the scene ended with, “Coors Light Time Capsule Commercial to be unearthed someday in the future when Patrick Mahomes finally has permission to promote our beer.”

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