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JUST IN: Teary-Eyed Travis Kelce announce this MESSAGE to Taylor Swift.



Travis Kelce just went on Good Morning America to shout on the rooftops about how happy he is right now.
OK, technically, Kelce went on the show to talk about football, acting, and Taylor Swift, but same difference!
Asked about his “well talked-about personal life” (translation: the fact that he’s dating Taylor Swift), the Chiefs tight end explained how he stays grounded while he’s so deep in the public eye.
“When you have good family and friends around you, it makes that aspect of life that much easier,” the football pro explained. “I’ve always been a very grounded guy, you know. It might not come off like that when I’m playing football, but off the field, I just wanna be a genuine person. I try not to get too far down the road, because you just never know what opportunities are gonna present themselves.”

Kelce was then asked, “on a scale of 1 to 10,” how good his life is at the moment, and he replied, “Man! Uh, 20? 100? Man, I’m so fortunate and so grateful of everything that’s come my way in life.”
Elsewhere in the interview, the NFL player said, “I feel like I’m on top of the mountain, even after winning the Super Bowl and having the off season that I’m having. Living the dream, baby.”

By all measures, yep, Kelce’s life is pretty dang good right now. He’s dating one of the world’s most successful and beloved women (with all the extra fame and opportunities that entails), he recently won his third Super Bowl, he’s preparing to make his real acting debut (i.e. in a role where he’s not playing himself), and his New Heights podcast with brother Jason Kelce is totally thriving, too. Oh, and did I mention he’s now the highest paid tight end in the NFL? Preeetty sweet.

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