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There are so many people on here that talk nonsense about Coco. She was 15 they said she’s getting too much hype. When she started to have a little success at 16 and 17 they said she would never go up high in the rankings, but she went up to the top 20. Then they said well she’ll never make the top 10. Then when she made the top 5 they said, well she’ll never go higher. And then when she made the top 3 they said she would never win a grand slam. And then she won a grand slam. Then they said she’ll never go higher than number 3 and now she’s number 2. It never ends and she keeps getting the last on everybody.



There are so many people on here that talk nonsense about Coco. She was 15 they said she’s getting too much hype. When she started to have a little success at 16 and 17 they said she would never go up high in the rankings, but she went up to the top 20. Then they said well she’ll never make the top 10. Then when she made the top 5 they said, well she’ll never go higher. And then when she made the top 3 they said she would never win a grand slam. And then she won a grand slam. Then they said she’ll never go higher than number 3 and now she’s number 2. It never ends and she keeps getting the last on everybody.

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