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Meghan Markle’s Original Pregnancy Announcement Picture Surfaces



Meghan Markle’s Original Pregnancy Announcement Picture Surfaces

Both amateur detectives and photo specialists are delving into the official image of Kate Middleton and her kids that was issued in the UK for Mother’s Day. The 42-year-old Princess of Wales apologized and said she “occasionally experiments with editing” after many international photo agencies removed the Mothering Sunday photo due to concerns about tampering

After scrutinizing the picture more closely, the Daily Mail found sixteen problems with the Princess Kate snapshot with Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, which credited Prince William as the photographer. Several photographers that The Mail contacted and quoted claimed that the photo appeared to have been altered, albeit their expert judgments on the usage of Photoshop differed.

Amidst the chaos on the photograph of Missan Harriman, in response to a Daily Mail article alleging that he altered the shot, the professional photographer shared a genuine photo of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on Instagram on Wednesday. The picture was taken during a remote photo session in 2021 while Meghan was expecting their baby, Lillibet, who is now two years old.

Misan Harriman demands an apology from the Daily Mail
Harriman first shared the color version of the photo along with the metadata confirming that he photographed the close-up using an Apple iPad. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex revealed their pregnancy on Valentine’s Day in 2021 with a black-and-white portrait that their friend and longtime photographer Harriman took from a distance. A beaming Prince Harry, who was not wearing shoes, gave Meghan a tender glance as she lay in his lap, holding her baby bump.

“The original Jpeg without the black and white grade, I expect a full apology and retraction from @dailymail @telegraph,” Harriman wrote as the post’s description on Wednesday. Harriman’s statement came after he uploaded a video earlier on Wednesday to refute the Daily Mail article that claimed the couple’s intimate 2021 black-and-white photo, which was used to announce her second child, was doctored. Harriman asserted that to fit the news cycle, the Mail misrepresented what he told Michael Berkely on the BBC’s Private Passions program in 2022. Regarding the Mother’s Day photo circulated over the weekend, Kate Middleton apologized on Monday after several international photo agencies removed the image due to possible alteration.

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